TapKat Success Snapshot: Backcountry Discovery Routes

Nonprofit: Backcountry Discovery Routes (BDR)
Number of Sweepstakes:
Total 2021 Sweepstakes Results:

How TapKat sweepstakes help membership-based nonprofits engage and activate their members to give more

Strategy: BDR is a membership-based nonprofit in Seattle, Washington, dedicated to preserving off-highway riding opportunities for backcountry motorcyclists. For the past three years they have put together a very targeted sweepstakes prize that is promoted almost exclusively to their membership base, with the goal of keeping members involved in their mission and encouraging them to give in a new way that is fun and engaging.

Story: BDR’s work includes rider education, safety campaigns and promoting responsible travel for motorcyclists traveling in the backcountry. Each route they create and facilitate generates new tourism that delivers sustainable economic relief to less-advantaged rural communities. 

With the intention of keeping their membership base engaged and involved in the mission, every year, BDR puts together a super-niche prize package with their members in mind: it’s a coveted motorcycle plus complimentary gear that the winner can use on their next BDR adventure. 

Infographic on TapKat benefits for member-based nonprofits

Since their prize package is so tailored to the base, BDR sweepstakes do very well. In 2021 they completed their third sweepstakes and raised a whopping $291,900 by marketing almost exclusively to their membership base, a group of motorcycling fanatics who were very excited about the prize!

For BDR, the main objective (aside from raising funds that would enable them to continue with and expand their mission) was to motivate their membership base to regularly contribute to the organization in addition to their annual supporter dues. 

Membership organizations have tremendous success with TapKat sweepstakes with very little, if any, outside marketing when they select a prize that resonates with their membership base and promote the sweepstakes consistently and clearly with their members. The sky is the limit for membership-based organizations!

If you’re ready to jump into the world of sweepstakes fundraisers, apply for a TapKat nonprofit account today.

Wendy Volan

Co-Founder, TapKat


Sweepstakes Prizes - Consignment vs Donated


TapKat Success Snapshot: AIARE