How to Promote Your TapKat Sweepstakes on Your Nonprofit’s Website

A big piece of running a successful TapKat fundraising sweepstakes is the promotional aspect — people can’t donate to enter your sweepstakes if they don’t know about it! 

In the past, we’ve written about how important it is to regularly email your donor base, post on social media, build sweepstakes promotion into your live events, and work with corporate partners to get the word out. But funny enough, many nonprofits forget one simple method of sharing that’s super easy and completely under their control: promoting it on the homepage of their website!

If you haven’t already, make sure your TapKat sweepstakes is prominently featured on the homepage of your website for the duration of your fundraiser. 

Donors Want to Verify that Your Nonprofit is Running a TapKat Sweepstakes Fundraiser 

It’s really common for donors who don’t know a lot about your organization to want to verify that the sweepstakes is actually being run by your nonprofit. This happens when a donor finds out about the sweepstakes through a means other than your mailing list, say, through an ad on social media, or an eblast from a corporate partner.

So, before donating, they’ll quickly navigate over to your website to make sure that their money is actually going toward the organization and a good cause. This is why it’s so important to make sure these donors can easily spot your sweepstakes on your website! If they can’t quickly see that you are indeed the recipient of the funds, they might dismiss the fundraiser and move on with their day. 

Make sure that a potential donor who is new to your site will see news of the sweepstakes within the first five seconds of visiting the page. The TapKat sweepstakes fundraisers First Flight Society and the Shelby American Collection have done a great job of featuring their sweepstakes on their nonprofit website. 

In each case above, it’s really easy to see that these nonprofits are running and benefitting from TapKat sweepstakes fundraisers. Very important! 

Capture Donor Details with Your TapKat Sweepstakes

Chances are, people visit your website daily to learn about your mission, and find out what your nonprofit is up to. Take advantage of that organic, free traffic by proudly announcing the sweepstakes on your home page! 

A sweepstakes entry is a fun and easy way to contribute to your nonprofit, and donors who are less familiar with your organization may be more likely to donate if there’s a chance they’ll win a prize. 

Also, when a new person donates to your TapKat sweepstakes, their information (phone number, email address, etc.) will be added to your account, which means you have the opportunity to add them to your mailing list and reach out to them in the future. 

That’s really important because as you know, building a community of people who care about your cause and your fundraising efforts is invaluable. 

Take Advantage of Your Website

At TapKat, we really encourage our customers to do everything they can to build awareness of their sweepstakes fundraiser. Every donation that comes in goes right into your nonprofit’s bank account, which means every donation matters.

The more people know about your sweepstakes, the more successful it will be. There is no better time than now to get started adding your sweepstakes to your organization’s home page! 

Wendy Volan

Co-Founder, TapKat


7 Simple Steps to Running a Successful TapKat Sweepstakes Fundraiser


How to Get a Prize on Consignment for Your TapKat Sweepstakes